Thursday, September 3, 2009

Be happy

If I had to choose a bumper sticker to show what im like it would be, "be happy"

Ever since I was younger I have always seemed to get the short end of the stick in most situations. Wether it was I was always the one who got hurt, caught, and in trouble. After finding this less than fortunate skill I had for getting the worst luck. I also realized that some people don’t always get what they want, and thats ok. So to combat my skill I developed a mind set that as long as I stay happy through my bad luck it would ultimately turn out ok. For example, when I was younger for some reason I would always break bones, a very unusefull skill to poses. However it led me to the job I want, after being in and out of doctors offices and hospitals I figured out that I want to be a doctor. I am now enrolled at fcc and am majoring in bio in hopes to transfer to a university and later apply to med school. I would like to think that this is compleatly related to just being happy even through not happy times.


  1. Coming from a family who also has really bad luck (aka my Dad) I agree with you that you should just keep positive through it all really pays off. :)

  2. Great way to think about breaking your bones and you will always have that inspiration behind you as you make it to med. school.

  3. There is also another way that you could look at this, too. The loftier the goal, the harder the work to reach it. This isn't just talking about your med school, either. Your life has been hard, much harder than the average person. This could also mean that your life will have a peak unparalleled. Then your present will make up for the past.


  4. it's cool that breaking your bones made you want to become a doctor.. ive ever broken any. maybe you should drink more milk ;)

  5. Your problems are never as bad as it seems when you keep a positive mind set. Good luck in med school.

  6. my family and i have tons of bad luck so i know where you are coming from, good job on the blog

  7. yeah none of my friends ever get caught either, its always me, good layout everything looks foxy

  8. I really like your bumper sticker- Bob Marley would be proud =) I think it's wonderful that you have such an optimistic and upbeat attitude despite your tendencies to get the short end of the stick in life. Good luck in Med. School!!

  9. wow! thats awesome! we need more doctors in this world. =] and everyone should truely be who they wanna be when they grow up so they can BE HAPPY =]

  10. Staying positive is definitely the way to go. Dwelling on what is bad is not going to make anything better.
