Sunday, September 20, 2009

less than easy life

As I sit in my grandma’s small yellow kitchen, fish circle around my head on the wall paper that surrounds the top of the walls. My grandma is busy cooking dinner for our big family dinner that night, were having black refried beans, tamales, and rice. The smell from the onions being browned over powers all the other foods filling the kitchen with their scent. My grandma standing on a foot stool to reach the back burners; my grandma has always been very small in stature, only standing four foot eleven. Despite her height she has always been the strongest woman I know.
My great grandmother died giving birth to my grandma; or Tita as we call her. She was born in Guatemala and when she was around two years old her father; Oscar Zamora re married so he would have some to look after my grandma. Her name was Eva and she hated my grandma; she tried to drown my grandma one day while she was giving her a bath, but Oscar came in to speak with Eva so she had to stop. Oscar loved Tita very much; she was his only thing left to remind him of his first wife. When Tita was 4 years old her father went on a business trip to the United States, while he was away Eva dropped my grandma at an orphanage. Eva had a fake death certificate and head stone made up so when Oscar came home Eva told him that his daughter died from cholera; a very popular disease in that country during that time.
My grandma lived at the orphanage till she was eighteen years old, and legal to live on her own. She described her experience at the orphanage to me as torture; they made her scrub and clean everything, she said that if she did not do a good job they would make her kneel on dried corn cornels for hours. She received no formal schooling, other than what she taught her self.
After my grandma was living on her own for about three years when she had to go to a doctors appointment in the city, on her way into the city she bumped into an older man who appeared to be lost she asked if he needed any help and he told her he was looking for the market. The market was on her way to her doctors office, as they walked they talked and just she he was about to leave she asked for his name he replied; Oscar Zamora, it was her father. She told me that after the initial shock they embraced and he told her to come home with him. She was tired of living in a tiny apartment and missed her whole life with her father, she decided to move back home with her father. Since she left he divorced Eva and lived a life of solitude, thinking of his two women that he lost.
My grandma now lives in the united states and loves her life she has never had anything handed to her, working incredibly hard for every little bit she has. she is the strongest woman I know conquering every obstacle life has throw her way and through it all keeping her head held high.


  1. Wow, this story is so incredible, it seems almost unreal. I can't imagine how shocked your grandmother must have been to have ran into her father after all of those years. What a great person you have in your life to look up to. :)

  2. wow!! wat an incredible woman!

  3. Man that story had a great climax, who would've thought she would be reunited after so long. What a crazy life we sometimes lead and it seems like your grandmother has been through a lot. Great writing.

  4. I was totally blown away by this story! I am amazed at the strength your grandmother has- you're lucky to have someone like that in your life. You did a great job describing the setting of the interview, especially your metaphor about fish swimming around your head and the description of the smell of the food. My favorite line has got to be "Despite her height she has always been the strongest woman I know." Awesome job =)

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