Monday, September 14, 2009

Parks and recreation

As I sat on the cold metal bench I peeled the paint off the arm rail and observed the park. Parks are like free outdoor gyms, all types come to exercise, show off, and socialize.
It was warm outside with a cool breeze, the kind that makes you want to breathe deep and welcome fall. The grass was soft and cool to the touch, mowers hummed on the other side of the park, grooming the grass. I could smell the fresh cut grass and taste the freshness of the day. There were tall triangular trees all over the park; the leaves were still green and clung fiercely to the branches. A large white gazebo sat in the middle of the park; it was decorated with green, blue, and yellow balloons. Upcoming concert series posters decorate the trunks of the trees.
The park was busy with bustling walkers on there lunch break, trying to squeeze in a days equivalent of exercising into a hasty loop around the park. I could hear them panting as they walk past, their feet slapping heavily on the pavement. Groups of mothers stampede through the park with their stroller’s, Nickelback blaring as they shout over the music to talk to each other. They all have some form of spandex with some type of headband along with a style of Nike running shoes, used for walking.
Two men in completely matching jump suits began their stretches to warm up for a work out. By the intensity and matching suits I could tell me, along with the whole park were in for some laughs. Naturally after a hard stretch they became over heated and had to remove their shirts, one man was tall and thin with hair that completely covered his chest and back! The other man was fairly tall with a medium build and was fortunately not covered in fur. They began to do assorted static stretches such as walking lunges and squats, making sure to flex every time a woman passed by them. They even had the audacity to stop and wave to a young mother that was clearly out there league.
Finally we come to the people who come to the park to enjoy making new friends. From what I saw this is the smallest and typically the oldest. I experienced this first hand when a small woman in her late sixties came and sat next to me on the bench. Her name was Debby, but everyone just called her D. She was small and very petite; she wore a blue sweater and jeans that just barley passed her ankles. Her skin was old and leathery and her voice was deep and raspy, I could tell she was a smoker. She explained to me how this time of the day was her favorite, she told me she has been coming to this park every morning for ten years and loves to just sit and talk with people in the park.
A park may not look like there is much going on but once I took the time to sit and watch I saw all types of people with all types of personalities.


  1. Debby! She sounds sweet. I really liked the part when you talked about the creeper guys haha. I smiled to myself and probaby looked stupid to the girl sitting across the room from me, but it was hilarious so I didn't care lol. Good job, I loveee it

  2. Good thesis statement man, lol the second man was fortunately not covered in fur. You should have given that lady your number so you guys could chill, good work though very interesting post

  3. I really like this. Great job incorporating sensory details and making the story flow. Although I have been to parks and recreation I still wanted to read your description the whole way through.

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